Individual Awards
Oxbridge offers recognition, accreditation and validation of work-based learning assessments. An award gives a reliable indication of an individual learner’s knowledge, skills or understanding and is only awarded to a learner who has demonstrated that they have a specified level of attainment through a reliable assessment method. A certificate naming the qualification is awarded to successful learners.
A qualification sets out what an individual needs to know or be able to do in order to be given (awarded) that qualification. Most vocational qualifications are made up of several units of learning, each one covering a specific area or topic. In some qualifications, particularly the smaller ones, a learner may have to do all the units to get the qualification. In most vocational qualifications some of these units will be required units (mandatory) and there will be a number of other units to choose from (optional). These are sometimes also called ‘Electives’.
Each unit has several statements that set out what the learner needs to know or be able to do. These are called the learning outcomes and they are checked (assessed) in several different ways. It might involve an online test, an observation of what the learner is doing, a written assignment, project work, an exam or compiling a portfolio of evidence demonstrating what the learner knows or can do.
Each unit has several statements that set out what the learner needs to know or be able to do. These are called the learning outcomes and they are checked (assessed) in several different ways. It might involve an online test, an observation of what the learner is doing, a written assignment, project work, an exam or compiling a portfolio of evidence demonstrating what the learner knows or can do.
Qualifications are respected by learners, employers, further and higher education institutions and professional bodies. Awarding bodies are responsible for ensuring that the quality of their qualifications is maintained at a high level.
Quality assurance is built-in for the life of a qualification. As they are writing a qualification, an awarding body must check with teachers, subject specialists, employers and others. Before it is sent to the regulator, the awarding body must make sure that the qualification meets certain technical rules for employers and others who recognize the qualification.
The assessments are crucial to the quality of the qualification and need to be rigorously checked. If the awarding body writes and arranges the assessment, for example, an examination, they will have several internal checks. The examiners marking the exams will have their marking checked by senior subject experts and staff in the awarding body.
Most vocational qualifications are assessed by the staff in the school, college or training provider (i.e. the Centre) where a learner is studying. The awarding body will check that these assessment decisions are correct in a few ways. One of the most common ways is for the awarding body to appoint a subject expert to visit the centre or learning provider.
NOTE : The Oxford and Cambridge International Professional Qualifications is NOT an Academic Degree awarding Institution. It is a membership body that provides professional Fellowship awards and accreditation for institutional member professional certification programs”. The Oxbridge is not part of any University. The qualifications award levels are as follows: (Based on the UK Regulated Qualifications Framework)

A brief description of the levels of the RQF Qualification Framework :
Level 1: Basic Certificate
Level 2: Intermediate (TVET) Certificate
Level 3: Advanced Certificate
Level 4: Diploma
Level 5: Higher Diploma
Level 6: Graduate Diploma
Level 7: Postgraduate Diploma/Professional Certificate
Level 8: Doctorate
Level 9: Post Doctoral Research
The good news is that there are a number of these programs and they are being offered as certificates or diplomas by our Institutional Learning Provider members from around the world
If you are looking to start a new career, take up further studies, or enhance your current job, there is a wide list of work-based learnings to select from. We recognize most professional, vocational and technical knowledge and skill areas.
If you wish to be considered for any of the above membership awards, please complete and submit an RPL/APEL application form, which can be downloaded from the section, JOIN US.
As Oxbridge doesn’t do any teaching and is more a member award body, part of our method for assessing the level of award, is in our application process using the RPL/APEL approach. This enables applicants to use their existing qualifications and experience towards achieving the desired award level.
What is APEL?
‘APEL’ is the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning, that is, the award of credits for learning based on prior experience -- from work, community, or volunteer experience -- which has not yet previously been assessed and/or awarded any credits. By converting informal learning into certificated learning, APEL provides cost-effective routes to qualifications. It has potential significance for people who, through life and work experience, have learned knowledge, skills and analytical abilities that are comparable to those in a higher education award. APEL offers the possibility for what learners know to be recognized, assessed with the same rigour, as any other learning would be, and awarded credits.
This process involves students who have gained knowledge, skills, and abilities in different walks of life successfully claiming to equate these achievements with learning delivered in modules and accounted for in numbers of credits (normally in UK points, which are equivalent to double the value of European Credits). Please refer to a ‘sister’ document in the Oxbridge Institute of Professional Development.
A strand in this development is to encourage employers to support their employees to gain recognition of their skills by acquiring qualifications through the process of Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning which would be recognised through a National Quality Assurance (NQA) Standard in any country. NVQs are based on national standards, which describe the expected performance of an individual in a work role.
Today we are more likely to use the words ‘Competence’ Level. Five levels have traditionally been used. These are:
A brief description of the levels of the RQF Qualification Framework :
Level 1: Competence in the performance of a range of varied work activities, most of which may be routine and predictable.
Level 2: Competence in a significant range of varied work activities, performed in a variety of contexts. Some of the activities are complex or non-routine, and there is some individual responsibility or autonomy. Collaboration with others, perhaps through membership in a work group or team, may often be a requirement.
Level 3: Competence in a broad range of varied work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts, most of which are complex and non-routine. There is a considerable responsibility, autonomy, and control or guidance of others are often required.
Level 4: Competence in a broad range of complex, technical or professional work activities performed in a wide variety of contexts and with a substantial degree of personal responsibility and autonomy. Responsibility for the work of others and the allocation of resources is often present
Level 5: Competence, which involves the application of a significant range of fundamental principles and complex techniques across a wide and often unpredictable variety of contexts. Very substantial personal autonomy and, often, significant responsibility for the work of others and for the allocation of substantial resources feature strongly, as do personal accountabilities for analysis and diagnosis, design, planning, execution, and evaluation. This level of competence would apply to a Professional Doctorate and evidence would be exhibited in the Portfolio Report or viva.
If lifelong learning is to be meaningful for those who are expected to participate in it and learners are genuine in taking '...increased ownership of their own learning and its management throughout life, a different culture needs to be established, one in which the contribution individual learners bring to the group learning situation and to the institution is recognized, valued and accommodated as an integral part of work-life.
Issues needed to be addressed, include: How are mid-career students admitted onto courses when they have few formal qualifications?
How do institutions give credit for forms of learning which have not been previously accredited, or which do not come within more traditional accreditation processes - for example learning that arises from life or vocational experiences?
These issues have led to formal accreditation structures within schemes and programs. For example, accreditation may be provided by a Professional Body which will expect to see evidence covering: the nature of the experiences for which credit is sought; evidence, direct or indirect, to substantiate the experiences; the nature, scope, and magnitude of experiences in terms of the learning that occurred; the relationship of the learning to the award or program for which entry or advanced standing is being sought.
If lifelong learning is to be meaningful for those who are expected to participate in it and learners are genuine in taking '...increased ownership of their own learning and its management throughout life, a different culture needs to be established, one in which the contribution individual learners bring to the group learning situation and to the institution is recognized, valued and accommodated as an integral part of work-life.
Issues needed to be addressed, include: How are mid-career students admitted onto courses when they have few formal qualifications?
How do institutions give credit for forms of learning which have not been previously accredited, or which do not come within more traditional accreditation processes - for example learning that arises from life or vocational experiences?
These issues have led to formal accreditation structures within schemes and programs. For example, accreditation may be provided by a Professional Body which will expect to see evidence covering: the nature of the experiences for which credit is sought; evidence, direct or indirect, to substantiate the experiences; the nature, scope, and magnitude of experiences in terms of the learning that occurred; the relationship of the learning to the award or program for which entry or advanced standing is being sought.
Applying APEL (Accredited Prior Experiential Learning) and CPD (Continuing Professional Development) credits
‘APEL, or Accredited Prior Experiential Learning, is a process that recognizes and gives credit for prior learning and experience that an individual has gained through work, life, or other non-formal education. This process can be applied to mature and experienced professionals who have extensive experience in their field and have developed a range of skills and knowledge through their work and life experiences. Similarly, CPD credits can be recognized. APEL provides an opportunity for mature and experienced professionals to have their prior learning and experience recognized and credited towards further education and career advancement. This process can be especially beneficial for those who may not have formal qualifications, but have acquired a wealth of experience and knowledge through their work and life experiences.
To apply for APEL, experienced professionals must demonstrate how their prior learning and experience aligns with the learning outcomes matches this program. This may involve providing evidence of their work and life experiences, such as job descriptions, performance evaluations, and examples of projects or initiatives they have led. It may include completing 2 assignments. Once the evidence has been submitted, an assessment will be conducted to determine if the individual's prior learning and experience align with the learning outcomes of this program. If the evidence is deemed to be sufficient, the individual may be awarded credits towards their studies, reducing the amount of time and resources they need to spend to graduate.
APEL can be a valuable tool for mature and experienced professionals looking to further their education and career advancement. By recognizing their prior learning and experience, they can gain the qualifications they need to advance in their field and achieve their professional goals. Graduation from this program qualifies for the Grade of Senior Fellow from OIPD and the award of a Certified International Professional in Compensation and Benefits (CIPCB), which is aligned to Level 7 of the UK Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF)